A beautiful smile should always be accompanied by bright white teeth. Nothing is better than getting professional teeth whitening done at your dentist to get whiter teeth.

Teeth whitening is a well know procedure that helps you get up to five times whiter teeth depending on the condition of your teeth. Nowadays, you get many products that claim you can get your teeth whitened at home, but it is always a good idea to consult your dentist before going for any over-the-counter kits or, better, get it done at the dentist’s office.

Here are five things you would like to know about professional teeth whitening treatment before you opt for it-


Professional teeth whitening treatment is the most effective option for getting white teeth. Many OTC kits and home remedies are not as effective as professional treatment. The reason is that your dentist takes care of the condition of your teeth and plans the treatment accordingly.


Professional whitening treatment requires lesser time and gives the best result. The complete treatment can be done within an hour, giving you the best results.


Teeth whitening is safe and does not harm your enamel when done under the supervision of a dentist. Your dentist keeps your gums safe during the procedure.


After completing the teeth whitening procedure, there is little to no sensitivity. Self-teeth whitening kits or home remedies can damage your teeth and make your teeth sensitive.

Result & Durability:

It is essential to know that professional teeth whitening results are not permanent, and the result is different for everyone. Many factors determine the outcome, such as the condition of your teeth, health, diet, etc. The results can last up to a year if you take proper care of your teeth. To maintain the results, visit your dentist once every six months.

Shining white teeth and a beautiful smile can leave a long-lasting impression on everyone. If you want to get a dazzling smile in HRS layout Bangalore, visit us at Prakash Dental Care. Book your appointment today!