All of us have heard – Time is money. But in today’s world, time is more valuable than money. The statement is especially true in metro cities like Bengaluru. Many people suffer pain until it becomes unbearable, not because they want to avoid getting treatment but due to time.

Treatments like root canal treatment remove pain-causing infections and require at least 3-4 sittings. But what if you can get the same effect in a single sitting? Thanks to new technology and advancement in dentistry, it is now possible to get root canal treatment in a single sitting.

But now, how reliable or successful the single-sitting root canal is? To answer this, let’s see the stats. The success rate of single-sitting RCT has been reported to be up to 90%. The procedure’s success depends on proper cleaning and shaping of the root canal, disinfection, and three-dimensional filling of the canal system. Here, you need to know that not all the cases are suitable for single-sitting RCT. There are certain things that your dentist will take into consideration before suggesting the treatment.

  1. Patient acceptance
  2. Sufficient time to complete the whole procedure in a single sitting
  3. Absence of any acute symptoms like pus drainage or any persistent flow of exudates or blood from the root canal
  4. Absence of anatomical obstacles like pulp stone or calcification in canals
  5. Procedural difficulties like ledge formation, blockage, or inadequate cleaning of the canal

Your dentist will suggest against single sitting root canal treatment if you have any of the following:

  1. Teeth with severe pain and pus discharge from the sinus
  2. Anatomic anomalies of teeth
  3. Acute periapical abscess
  4. Teeth that require re-RCT
  5. Patients with TMJ disorder who cannot open their mouth for a long time.

To conclude, single-sitting RCTs can be a blessing these days with the advancement of technology, when it comes to saving time as in a single sitting the entire root canal treatment can be done with just one jab of local anesthesia. Depending on the situation, your dentist will take a call and do what is best for you.