Missing teeth are a dental problem that nobody wants. It not only affects your looks but also causes trouble in enjoying your food. But, when people visit our clinic with missing teeth, their focus is mostly on the cost of replacing the missing teeth, especially when we suggest implants.

Dental implants are often considered a costlier option for tooth replacement but there are many details and important points patients do not consider before considering an implant as a treatment option for their missing teeth. If you are one of them then keep on reading.

Let us start with understanding why it is important to replace missing teeth. As we age it is obvious that our teeth will begin to fall but there are also certain situations that will result in tooth loss, such as trauma or tooth extraction. When a tooth is lost the adjacent teeth try to compensate for the lost tooth and try to fill the gap by shifting towards the gap. This can cause various issues with the bite and also cause TMJ problems, jaw pain and not to forget about the trouble in eating the food that you want. The shifting of teeth can make them loose and can cause them to fall earlier than they are supposed to. Replacing the lost teeth as early as possible can prevent all these troubles and can prevent multiple expensive dental visits.

Now that you have an idea why you should go for missing tooth replacement, let us understand why most dentists suggest dental implants.

Dental Implants look exactly like your natural teeth which means no one would know the difference between your natural teeth and the implant and it will improve your appearance.

Dental implants, when placed as early as possible after losing your teeth, will prevent bone loss which means it will prevent various jaw problems which can arise due to bone loss.

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants do not affect your other natural teeth. They are easier to maintain just like your natural teeth. To take care of them, brush and floss your teeth like you would your natural teeth.

With proper care, a dental implant will last you a lifetime.
At Prakash Dental Care, our trained dental implant specialists will make sure that your dental implant experience is painless and comfortable.

Considering the long-term problems caused by the missing teeth and the comfort and maintenance of oral health provided by the replacement of missing teeth with dental implants, Dental Implants can be considered an investment for your overall health rather than an expense